Tiger Zinda Hai is continuing its run at the box office in what was a terrific fourth week at the box office for the Salman Khan and Katrina Kaif actioner. After breaking his own record of Rs 320 crore at the box office set by Bajrangi Bhaijaan in 2015, the film romping its way up in the league of the top five highest grossing films in India. And though the latest numbers is the lowest score yet, it still has scope to scoop up more in this upcoming weekend.
The numbers have seen a dip but still remains steady on the grounds of a weekday. Sharing the latest numbers trade expert Taran Adarsh writes in his tweet: “#TigerZindaHai continued to SCORE, despite multiple releases… [Week 4] Fri 1.46 cr, Sat 2.12 cr, Sun 3.27 cr, Mon 1.36 cr, Tue 1.02 cr, Wed 88 lakhs, Thu 78 lakhs. Total: 329.75 cr. India biz.” The eyes will all be set on the coming weekend, which the Salman Khan – Katrina Kaif action thriller should again dominate, with no major competitors in sight. The film should have brush the Rs 335 crore mark by the end of the week.
Talking about her highest ever grosser, Katrina Kaif had said in a statement, “Tiger Zinda Hai has given all of us so many amazing memories to cherish. From it being Salman‘s biggest hit, Ali’s biggest film, to it also becoming my highest ever grosser – we are extremely happy as a team that the film has done so well.” Keep following this space for more updates.
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