The moment Jasleen Matharu and Anup Jalota made an entry in Salman Khan's Bigg Boss 12, they were the hot topic of discussion all over. They indeed defined the concept of 'vichitra jodi' as the 65-year-old Bhajan singer spoke about his love for the 25-year-old Love Day singer. They both wanted to take their relationship to the next level and thus entered the house together. Not only the world, but Jasleen's father Kesar Matharu was also stunned after the lovebirds broke the news on national television. While many eyebrows were raised and this unconventional couple was called fake, the recently evicted jodi of Kriti Verma and Roshmi Banik has something else to say about the duo. In a media interaction when they were asked if Jasleen and Anup are faking their relationship or not, they directly said that they are truly in love with each other. They have a very cute and lovey-dovey relationship and they indeed justify the title of 'vichitra jodi' as their love can't be defined in words. Shocked? Well, Roshmi and Kriti must be knowing better as both have stayed with the couple for almost two weeks.
Meanwhile, this week Salman Khan's show had double eviction. After Kriti and Roshmi's elimination, Nirmal Singh also bid farewell to the show. Romil Chaudhary, on the other hand, made a dashing entry back to the house with Surbhi Rana, the wild card entry. Surbhi earlier was in the OutHouse task where she got defeated by Roshmi and Kriti.
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