Bad News For Varun Dhawan Lady Fans. Varun Dhawan has always remained tight-lipped about his personal life. Despite the paparazzi clicking several pictures of him while he is accompanied by his rumoured ladylove Natasha Dalal, he has always kept a safe distance from revealing any details about his love life. Whenever questioned about his reason about this secret affair, he has only said that he needs to protect Natasha from the unnecessary attention and media glare.
Of late, they have been making more public appearances which have resulted in marriage speculations as well. It is being rumoured that the couple might get hitched by next year.
Now as per latest reports, Varun is planning to take a break from his busy schedule to spend some quality time with Natasha. A source close to the rumoured couple revealed that they were planning a getaway for quite some time but they couldn’t go anywhere due to Varun’s schedule. Owing to the release of ‘October’ in April and his other projects’ schedule, he only has a few days before the next schedule of Abhishek Varman’s ‘Kalank’ begins. So now, he’s planning to fly out with Natasha to a foreign locale and spend some quality time with her.
It is also reported that the rumoured couple is contemplating between Bali and London for their leisure vacation.
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