A day after the Parliamentary panel threw the ball back in the CBFC's court over the decision regarding 'Padmavati's' release, one of the lead actors of the film, Shahid Kapoor, expressed his views on the ongoing controversy at a recent awards show in the city. When asked if things had worsened for the film with the recent turn of events, he said, "It's strange the way things have happened, but I don't think they have worsened. We are surprised that it's taking longer than anyone had anticipated. The release date has been deferred. People have chosen to make their decisions before seeing the film. I have been saying from the beginning that everyone should decide only after they've seen the film. I've been urging people to not have any preconceived notions about the film, which are not based on facts. I think facts can be discussed only when people have seen the movie."
In the meanwhile, there was also another round of uproar against Deepika Padukone, who plays the central character and Bhansali. When this was brought up with Shahid, he said, "It's terrible. I didn't expect this — so much being spoken about a lady. I am very shocked with that."
The actor admitted that he hasn't spoken to Bhansali or met him after the director's two-hour long Parliamentary panel session in Delhi on November 30, but he added, "My heart goes out to Bhansali. He's probably the finest filmmaker I have worked with. He has tried his level best. See, eventually, everything becomes subjective. It's a democracy and everyone can have an opinion. The whole idea of a democracy is to respect one another's opinion and do our work with a lot of love, affection, warmth and a belief that the person on the other side is not deliberately trying to harm us. Bhansali has been at the receiving end of a lot of criticism. He has not been able to show his film. And for someone of his calibre to not be able to do that at this juncture in his career is not right. I am just wishing, praying and sending him my love every day of my life. Let's just see the film because it's already been shot."
Elaborating on the decision of the Parliamentary panel, Shahid said, "It's basically a nice big circle. We are back to where we started, where we should have been and where we correctly should be. CBFC should be the right body to decide on the film. Sooner, not later, since a lot of delay has already happened, they should arrive at a decision. We faced a lot of problems with 'Udta Punjab' and when it released, almost everyone loved it. It will be the same with Padmavati. I hope people see it with an open heart and mind. I will respect opinions, but people must see the film first."
When Shahid was asked if he had a message for his fans and those who have been objecting to the film, he said, "No one wants to make a film to hurt sentiments because it's for as many people as possible to see. I hope people will believe in that. This film has a lot of firsts attached to it. I don't know what the end result will be — better than what we expect or worse. People react to a story anyway, and if it has originality and the right cinematic quality, it will work. The reaction will be positive. This is a really good film and I am hoping people will like it."
By The Times Of India.
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