Though her husband Abhishek Bachchan and father-in-law Amitabh Bachchan are very active on social media, Aishwarya Rai chooses to stay away from all sorts of networking forums. In fact, the Bachchan bahu doesn’t really like using her phone too often. While addressing the media at the Safaigiri Awards, she said:
“We are very quick with excuses. Work, routine, lifestyle, social media and the need to be on it 24/7, I had to say this… I have observed, we don’t have time to look at another person and talk to him/her because we are so busy on our phones,” she said.
“So, how many people would actually look around to do the basic things like leaving their phone for a minute and picking a tissue, which is lying on the floor, and putting in the bin? People are leaning on conveniently-attributed lethargy,” the 42-year-old actress said.
Aishwarya, along with Minister of Information and Broadcasting M Venkaiah Naiduand chief executive of the India Today Group, Aroon Poorie, felicitated the winners of the second edition of the Safaigiri Awards.
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