Bollywood star Aamir Khan and director Rajkumar Hirani's films are good. In 2009, the duo '3 Idiots' was like a film. Reach starring Aamir Khan, R. Madhavan and Sharman Joshi, Raju and Farhan played a role. Kareena Kapoor, Boman Irani plays the piano and was playing the virus. Currently only 84 errors in the film that has a video viral. So, let's now take a look at the bugs in the film ...
Farhan and Raju's house hearty meal discount and therefore Farhan, Raju and Reach is going to inherit without a wedding. In the very next scene, the trio head in a turban and has a blank cover. Now, the thing is how suddenly such a director, I forgot to say ...?
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