Shah Rukh Khan, known as the small-minded people said that social media is spreading hatred against them. This Friday is releasing the film 'Dilwale', arrived here to promote wider Uniwarta Khan said in response to a question that social media hate small section of people and the other on the shoulders of such action he would stunning .
Shah Rukh said, '' I said many years ago, if someone would name some things you must. These things every week and every month, and the movie to be released are Leeekin such things seem to be more. Such people are opportunistic. In our country, people who love me get her in front of me and my work these things no matter what that is speaking. '
Shah Rukh said, 'I've ever used social media to explain to someone not used to. There was no use arguing with those who are dumber. I want those people could respond in their language Leekin would be madness to do so. There are things on social media, which is not always correct. '
The country's alleged statement on the growing intolerance on social media, Khan was on target for people. Social media leak on the question of the film's story, Khan said there is ongoing story which he said are not true, I say that even if the film is different from the way it all. Stories are the same in Firakr turned around but it is a different way of presenting all. ''
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