Bollywood couple Ranbir Kapoor and Katrina Kaif while live-in 1 year, but now are emerging reports of their breakup. However, they had the first break of several famous Selebs, which for years was in a live-in.
If reports are to be believed, Ranbir and Katrina have also decided to
separate and it is believed to be responsible for Deepika Padukone.
Indeed, the increasing proximity of Katrina Ranbir and Deepika did not
like the movie 'spectacle' had increased during the promotion. However, Ranbir's sake she remained silent, but now it has deteriorated.
Many couples in Bollywood who has been in a live-in before marriage. Some of them still live-in couples, some married, some couples there was a break. Bollywood telling you about such couples ...
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