Thursday 3 December 2015

Dev Anand had become crazy looking girls in black coat, was looking BAN

 फाइल फोटो : देव आनंद
Bollywood actor Dev Anand last 4 years have passed. December 3, 2011 in London, he had heart attack. Dev Anand are among those stars, whose life stories can be heard in the film industry today and is the most famous story of his black coat. His white shirt and black coat combination of all popular among their fans, but soon the court banned his dress. It is said that at that time, Dev Anand Crazy Girls tended to see in black coat and was afraid that the court will not be unusual. Know a few more things about their life:

Rs 30 were brought to Mumbai

September 26, 1923 in Punjab Shakargarh, Gurdaspur (now in Pakistan) was born in Anand Dev Anand's real name Dharamdev Pisoriml. In 1942 he graduated from English Literature. Dev Anand wanted to study further, but his father said bluntly that they have no money for teaching them. If they want to read further, make jobs. Then in 1943 they came to Mumbai to realize your dreams. Meanwhile, only 30 rupees in his pocket, and there was a place to stay. Dev Anand railway station near Mumbai came from a cheap hotel room was rented. Three other people were in the room with them their way to make your mark in the film industry were struggling.


  1. Aww he is cute .but how fool of girls who sucide

  2. Aww he is cute .but how fool of girls who sucide

