Tuesday 15 September 2015

Amitabh Bachchan distributes helmets to Mumbai Traffic Police officials

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Bollywood veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan distributed helmets to Mumbai Traffic Police officials during an event in Mumbai. He also inaugurated the public awareness hoardings set up by the traffic police.

Speaking at the event, the Sholay star, said, “Whenever I go abroad, I form an opinion about that country only after I experience the traffic there. And when I see the traffic is working well and in the right way, I feel a certain sense of respect and influence towards the country.

“I wish that whenever someone from abroad lands in our country, they too experience a similar feeling. I’m extremely hopeful that we’re able to fulfil the objective behind Mumbai Police and the traffic department’s initiative,” he added.

Bachchan said it’s impossible to leave everything on the police force. “We all need to think how we can contribute to this initiative so that this traffic system can improve,” he added.

“While driving, whenever I see someone has violated the traffic signal, or strayed to the wrong side of the divider, I stop the car, get down and talk to the person without scolding them. Some of them do acknowledge my advice. If all of us can sweetly explain in a few words to those who violate traffic rules, I believe there can be a significant improvement in traffic rules.”

“The only difficulty with this is that due to this, I have to perhaps sign autographs or click selfies with them. But I’m even ready for that, you can take thousands of selfies together but don’t break traffic rules,” he said.
The 72-year-old actor has also been appointed as the brand ambassador of tiger conservation in Maharashtra.

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